Presentation and discussion of Grażyna Kubica's book:
Maria Czaplicka: Gender, Shamanism, Race.
Veronika Belyaeva-Sachuk
Otto Habeck
Chris Hann
Anna Sirina
The Commission for Asian Studies KNE PAN invites you to an online discussion of Grażyna Kubica-Heller's biography of Maria Czaplicka (1884–1921), which has been recently translated into English. The book presents more than a relatively unknown chapter in the anthropology of Siberia. It is also a study of the gendered nature of academic careers. Czaplicka, who studied with Bronisław Malinowski, and was the first female lecturer of anthropology at Oxford, was also an engaged feminist. Like for many women at that time, her academic path was difficult and her legacy largely lost.
The book will be presented by the author, followed by comments and questions from commentators and a general discussion.
Foto: Maria Czaplicka in Siberia. Pitt Rivers Museum Oxford
mat. Komisja Badań Azjatyckich KNE PAN